8.3.4     ACFI 1 - NUTRITION

Data from the following Assessments populates directly into the Nutrition Checklist within a resident’s ACFI Claim Submission:




The answers selected in the linked questions auto-populate the Assistance Level in the Nutrition Checklist.  Details also populate into the Evidence section of ACFI 1 Nutrition, displaying the assessment from which the data is linked and the level of assistance required, as recorded in the assessment. The screenshots below show the specific questions within these forms which are linked to ACFI 1 Nutrition.  Also indicated is the section within the form ‘site map’ in which these questions can be found.



Dietary Details



The table below displays the Assessment details linked to the ACFI Claim Submission in the Nutrition Checklist.


Note:  There may be more than one combination of assessment answers that provide users with an ACFI rating.  If two or more answers or groups of answers show they generate the same score (assistance level), the score is only counted once for each care need in the Nutrition Checklist.


Nutrition Checklist Assistance Level




1. Readiness to Eat




0 (Independent)

Functional Assessment (Meals/Drinks section)

Addit. ACFI 1 Nutrition – Readiness to eat related questions

􀂅 Independent

1 (Supervision)

Functional Assessment (Meals/Drinks section)

Addit. ACFI 1 Nutrition – Readiness to eat related questions

􀂅 Place utensils in the resident’s hand (supervision)

2 (Physical Assistance)

Functional Assessment (Meals/Drinks section)


Dietary Details

Meals / Drinks



Nutrition Consistency – Main part of meal

􀂅 Requires meal to be cut up, OR


􀂅 Texture C – Smooth Pureed, OR

􀂅 Cut up





0 (Independent)

Functional Assessment (Meals/Drinks section)

Addit. ACFI 1 Nutrition – Readiness to eat related questions


Meals / Drinks

􀂅 Independent




􀂅 If no answers are selected in this question, a score of 0 is recorded

1 (Supervision)

Functional Assessment (Meals/Drinks section)

Meals / Drinks







Addit. ACFI 1 Nutrition – Readiness to eat related questions


􀂅 Requires supervision to eat food, OR

􀂅 Requires supervision to drink fluids, OR

􀂅 Requires extensive prompting to eat/drink, OR


􀂅 Stand by to provide assistance (verbal and/or physical), AND

􀂅 This resident requires supervision as has a daily oral intake ordered by dietician and has a PEG tube

2 (Physical Assistance)

Functional Assessment (Meals/Drinks section)

Meals / Drinks


􀂅 Staff are to place or guide food into mouth for most of the meal, OR

􀂅 Requires physical assistance to drink fluids