5.1    Care Evaluation

The Care Evaluation supports the ‘Resident of the Day’ or ‘Care Evaluation’ undertaken by staff on a regular basis.


A Care Evaluation can be performed for a resident by users assigned the relevant permissions and can be accessed via:





An organisation administrator with the relevant permissions can set the time period for Care Evaluation alerts in Platinum 5.0 Application settings. The Care Evaluation review period (number of days) can be set for all residents across the organisation.  Alternatively, this setting can be defined for an individual resident from their Resident Home Page, accessing the ‘Edit Resident Settings’ hyperlink.  In this instance, the Care Evaluation due date set for an individual resident will over-ride the organisational setting.


(Please refer to the Facility & System Administration section of the User Manual for further information on setting the time period for Care Evaluations, to the Resident Administration section for further information on setting individual Care Evaluation due dates, and to the Program Introduction & Overview section for further details on Alerts).