Create an Activities Plan: Occupational / Diversional / Other Therapy

A resident’s ‘Activities Plan: Occupational / Diversional / Other Therapy’ is accessed from the Resident Page.  Data from the ‘Social / Leisure Profile’ Assessment populates this ‘Activities Plan’.  Some of the details in this ‘Activities Plan’ also exist in the resident’s Care Plans, however the ‘Activities Plan’ should be utilised for the most detailed activities-related information.


Social / Leisure Profile


The Social / Leisure Profile should be used to enter all social and/or leisure needs and activities-related details.


v  To access a resident’s Social / Leisure Profile, select the Assessments / Evaluations category on their Resident Page

v  Then, select Social / Leisure Profile from the list displayed



v  The selected form will display on the page

v  Select the Checklist tab and the Interests- Past and Present and fill in the checklist provided



v  Enter all other social, leisure and activities-related information for the resident, then select Save


Activities Plan: Occupational / Diversional / Other Therapy


The ‘Activities Plan: Occupational / Diversional / Other Therapy’ includes details from the Social / Leisure Profile and acts as a resident’s ‘Activities Plan’.


v  To access this Activities Plan for a resident, select the Assessments / Plans category on their Resident Page

v  Then, select Activities Plan: Occupational / Diversional / Other Therapy from the list displayed


v  The selected form will display on the page

v  Details in this Activities Plan can be updated and saved, as required

v  To view and/or print the Activities Plan report, select View Report from the top tool bar of the form


v  The Report will display on the page



v  To Download the Activities Plan as a PDF or Word version, select the relevant document icon in the top toolbar of the report and save the report

v  To Print the saved Activities Plan, simply open the document and use the print setting in the document tool bar to print the Report

Note:  An ‘Activities Plan: Occupational / Diversional / Other Therapy’ can also be generated, downloaded and printed in the Reports module in Platinum 5.0, by users with the relevant permissions