Admit a Resident 

A user assigned the relevant permissions can admit a resident to a facility within the program.  A resident is admitted via their Resident Page.


When a resident is admitted into a facility, they must immediately be assigned a bed.  If a resident has previously been discharged from the facility and is being readmitted, you will be given the option to select a new admission date or a previous admission date for the resident.


Admit / Re-Admit a Resident:


v  To admit a resident to a facility, select Admit Resident from their Resident Page



v  If the UR number has not been entered, a new window will display.  Enter the resident’s numbers where prompted, then select Save



v  Another window will display, allowing you to allocate the required bed to the resident, set the admission date and remove them from waiting list(s), if applicable


v  All available beds will display.  The facility ‘tree structure’ will default to being expanded, allowing you to easily view and select the required bed.



Note:  A bed will not be displayed in this listing unless the bed is ‘empty’.  If the required bed is not displaying in the relevant bed branch, please check that the previous occupant has been discharged, transferred or swapped from that bed on the system prior to attempting to allocate the bed to a new resident.


v  Once you have located the required bed, select the bed from the bed branch to allocate the bed to the resident


v  To remove the resident from a displayed Waiting List, tick the required checkbox.  To select all displayed Waiting Lists, tick the top checkbox (in the waiting list section header) to auto-tick all checkboxes below.



v  Now, you must set an Admission Date for the resident.  The Admission Date field will default to today’s date.  To change the admission date, click into the Admission Date field and select the required date from the interactive calendar displayed 


v  If the resident has had a previous admission(s), you will be given the option to allocate them a new admission date or select one of the previous admission dates



v  Once you have completed all fields, select Admit to admit the resident and allocate them to the bed specified. 


Note:  Their admission status and allocated bed will now display with their resident details on their Resident Page, on Resident Search lists and on clinical documentation for the resident.  They will also appear on all ‘Admitted Residents’ lists for this facility throughout the program.